Prepcasts Replay

The links to the Prepcasts replay are available on the District Tournament page of the 2012 High School section. read more →

Top Three for OTY

Coach of the Year: Reza Behnam, Kirkwood   Charlie Cutelli, Parkway West   Tony Thomas, University City Offensive Player of the Year: Andrew Diemer, DeSmet   Sam Erlinger, SLUH   Zach Smith, Kirkwood Defensive Player of the Year: Keenan Berry, DeSmet   Pieter Derdeyn, SLUH   Chris Shirley, Ladue Female Player of the Year: Mallory Gonthier, Ft. Zumwalt West   Candice Vorbeck,.. read more →

Senior All Star Game & Skill Competition

Reminder to all Missouri water polo fans – Wednesday May 16th at Lindbergh will be the Senior All Star Game festivities. The evening starts out at 5:30pm with the first ever Coaches & Refs game. At 6:15pm, the Senior All-Star Game & Skills Competition begins.  All All-Stars should be on deck ready to warm up.. read more →

Pictures needed

For the past few seasons, we have been using images of atheltes & the games as the backdrop for our awards.  We need images from the 2012 season to accomplish this.  If you took any pictures at games during the season, please send your best shots to stlscheduling [at]  If you have shots of.. read more →

Senior All Star Game rosters

Team White Goalies: Kyle Danuser               Parkway North Sean Sullivan               SLUH Field: Bill Barnes                  MICDS Matt Barr                    Parkway Central Keenan Berry             DeSmet Hayden Cayse            Marquette Pieter Derdeyn           SLUH Dan Egan                   University City Steven Emde              Parkway West Brad Gardner             Summit Julia Grasse                Clayton Daniel Maloney          Parkway South Chris Shirley               Ladue Zach Smith                 Kirkwood Team Blue Goalies:.. read more →

University City – a successful season

By Steve Adcock (@swadcock) I had the pleasure of officiating quite a few games at University City High School this season, as well as some of their games at other sites. It gave me the opportunity to get talk with coach Tony Thomas a great deal. I was able to get to know a very.. read more →

Water Polo RPI

by Eric Steinhouse (@mesksk) RPI calculations have been used by NCAA basketball to assist with selecting and seeding the NCAA tournament.  Thanks to the new availability of the master schedule on Missouri Water Polo , I have attempted to calculate an RPI (Ratings Percentage Index) for the St. Louis HS water polo teams as of.. read more →

Ad Form for District Program

If you would like to submit an advertisement in the District Program (given out for free to every spectator for the District games) please fill out this form and send in by Monday April 30th: Typically, most ads are bought by parents in support of their team.  We have had great support in years past.. read more →

Save the Date: Senior All-Star Game & Skills Competition, MWP Banquet

The Senior All-Star Game and Skills Competition will be held at Lindbergh on Wednesday May 16th.  Timing is not set in stone, but the game will likely start at either 6PM or 6:30PM.  Admission to the game will be $3.00 per person. Afterwards, we will have FREE pizza, salad and soda during the Missouri Water.. read more →

High School Team Schedules Are Up!

Over the weekend our dedicated webmaster completed the team schedules in the high school section.  They can be found here: We again thank you for your patience as we work to get everything up and running.  If you have any questions or comments, please email us at Thanks. read more →